Wall clock shown above falls on the ground and breaks into two pieces. the total of one portion is 31 and the other portion is 30. how does the clock break?
According to the given the question
Sum of first part is 31
And sum of second part is 30
Assume Clock break according to given image
This the possibility which leads sum 31 and 30.
First part numbers are 0,9,10,11,1 .
Second part numbers are 2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

The question clearly tells that the clock breaks into two pieces.
The sum of all the numbers in the first piece is 31.
The sum of all the numbers in the other piece is 30.
The clock breaks between 12 and 8 separating the numbers 1 and 2 vertically from 12 and divides 8 into 0 and 0 horizontally.
If that's the case,
The numbers on the first piece are 0,9,10,11 and 1.
Their sum is 31.
The numbers on the second piece are 2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
Their sum is 30.
Hence, the clock breaks vertically separating 1 and 2 from 12 and horizontally separating 8 into 0 and 0.