Walter invested Rs 5,000 in a bank deposit account which pays interest of 9% per annum, added to the account at the end of each year. He made one withdrawal of Rs 1,500 at the end of 3 years. What was the balance in the account at the end of 5 years?
Step-by-step explanation:
here is your answer according to compound interest
(CI=compound interest)
= CI=p(1+r/100)n
withdrawal amount=1500
left amount =6475.145-1500
amount did he get after five year.
thus his account balance after 5 year is 7654.877 rupee
Step-by-step explanation:
so in this question
present value = 5000
rate = 9%
and time means n= 3
because we withdraw some amount
compound interest formula
so in this amount minus the withdrawal amount 1500
so this amount solve to next 2 years
=5911 is the right answer
hopes its helpful!