English, asked by jobayedhmd, 6 months ago

Wands he regretted
elf to Bangla literature from this period. He has written the
Choose the correct answer from the following alternative
) Madhusudan Dutt earned fame in
i) English literature ii) Bangla literature in Europe
) Madhusudan Dutt went to after adopting Christ
i) Europe ii) America iii) Africa iv) Austr
:) Madhusudan Dutt was born in as family
i) llindu ii) European ) Christian wing
1) Kopotaksha is a i) river ii) sonnet ) po
) Madhusudan took Christianity as wan man
i) young ii) old iii) brave iv) English
1) Lord Byron is a/an poet. i) Bengali ii) India
3) Madhusudan started writing in in Europe. i) B
Answer the following question:-
a) Who was Michael Madhusudan Dutt?
b) Where was Madhusudan born?
What did he start believing since his adolescence
carly age?​


Answered by omkarbhosale164



Answered by diptiverma15

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