English, asked by TAHAZAIDI, 1 year ago

want an essay on your first flight trip


Answered by muskan366

Two years ago I had a chance to fly in an aeroplane. Before I made up my mind to do so. I was very nervous. I feared that sorts of accidents might happen on the way. I thought that the engine might burst and the machine come down with a crash. Sometimes I was afraid that the pilot might make a mistake and I have to pay for it with my life. All these and other misgivings troubled me before I got into the aeroplane.

Soon after I had seated myself there, the sound of the engines rose to a roar as moved off, and gradually its speed. Then it was with a feeling of surprise I noticed that the ground was at some distance beneath me. As the plane went higher and higher up in the air, a strange sensation ran through my body. Soon, the motion was easy. The fear which overtook me at the time of flight was no more in my heart. Now I was quite bold in the air.

This does not mean that I felt the worse for it. I felt as comfortable in the aeroplane as I used to feel in my car. I felt no sense of insecurity. It did not occur to me even for a moment that my life could ever be in danger. The machine flew as smoothly in the air as a boat glides down a peaceful stream.

When the plane was at sufficient height, I looked through the pane of window. The earth seemed to be “falling off” from us. The big buildings looked like small spots of beauty. The sky was clear. Its Line colour added to its beauty. Everything looked new and strange. Men and women seemed to be like so many Lilliputians creeping here and there.

Vast unending fields lay before me. But one could never know what was grown there. Big trees and bushes appeared very small and the waving corn seemed to be nothing but small grass. Once we flew over the river. It was very big and mighty but it appeared to be like a thread of water.

But the most beautiful thing was the scene around me. One saw nothing but was surrounded by pure air. Occasionally one saw clouds floating here and there. Sometimes one felt as if one was like a bird flying in the air. I felt how powerful man was. He had conquered nature. He had won victory even over the air. After some time the machine began to glide downward.

We flew over the roofs of many houses. At one place we were very near the roof and I felt that we were going to touch it. After flying for a long time in the air, we at last touched the earth.

The journey was so pleasant and comfortable that I can never forget it.
Hope this Help u!

Answered by monaprajapati040


my first flight was most extent and experience in my life I took our journey by aeroplane from a New Delhi to Kolkata I brought in the early in the morning at first it was no different from getting into a car or bus the noise of the Machines made up of a field that it is it was a different as the plane took off the rose higher and higher think below the looked so tiny the plane was true very fast without bump and jolt when all said and bad feast whether the plane being have journey movement we were asked to faster than site of the belt remain the sceptred but I felt happy like a bulb Watts showing yeah sum Sum of the passenger felt a 6mm spelt your sheet seat belt and but I said still a great attention looking outside the window it was so lovely set after the bond had a weather was over and where are soft one meal that told me that the chief pilot commander the plane then their copilot navigator and the three members of the group one group of them the engineer and other is a radio export and third is a radium and there was also a pressure and air hostess look after the passenger I don't know when when I fell asleep my father was book me up as Where are approaching the landing sold strong went over took us for blinding are you happiness final touch down the airport from where we drove of the hotel and the heart of the society of Kolkata and enter flight had taking us nearly to our .

it was very interesting and extending one indicated

mark me brainliest and follow

me mate

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