Computer Science, asked by josephdavidnayak, 8 months ago

WAP to assign 67 and 45 to two different variables. Calculate the sum and product print the sum with a proper output statement​


Answered by Pallakavya


4 IV




100 C

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86. Write a C programming to display the sizes and ranges for each of C's data types. Go to the editor

Sample Output:

Size of C data types:

Type Bytes


char 1

int8_t 1

unsigned char 1

uint8_t 1

short 2

int16_t 2

uint16t 2

int 4

unsigned 4

long 8

unsigned long 8

int32_t 4

uint32_t 4

long long 8

int64_t 8

unsigned long long 8

uint64_t 8

float 4

double 8

long double 16

_Bool 1

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87. Write a C programming to display the sizes and ranges for each of C's data types. Go to the editor

Sample Output:

Ranges for integer data types in C


int8_t -128 127

int16_t -32768 32767

int32_t -2147483648 2147483647

int64_t -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807

uint8_t 0 255

uint16_t 0 65535

uint32_t 0 4294967295

uint64_t 0 18446744073709551615


Ranges for real number data types in C


flaot 1.175494e-38 3.402823e+38

double 2.225074e-308 1.797693e+308

long double 3.362103e-4932 1.189731e+4932

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88. Write a C programming to create an extended ASCII table. Print the ASCII values 32 through 255. Go to the editor

Sample Output:


|extended ASCII table - excluding control characters |

| Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex | Ch Dec Hex |

|----------------|----------------|-------------|--------------|--------------|--------ff |

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89. Write a C programming to calculate (x + y + z) for each pair of integers x, y and z where -2^31 <= x, y, z<= 2^31-1. Go to the editor

Sample Output:

Result: 140733606875472

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90. Write a C programming to find all prime palindromes in the range of two given numbers x and y (5 <= x<y<= 1000,000,000). Go to the editor

A number is called prime palindrome if the number is both a prime number and a palindrome.

Sample Output:

Input two numbers (separated by a space):

List of prime palindromes:



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91. Write a C programming to find the angle between (12:00 to 11:59) the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock. Go to the editor

The hour hand and the minute hand is always among 0 degree and 180 degree. For example, when it's 12 o'clock, the angle of the two hands is 0 while 3:00 is 45 degree and 6:00 is 180 degree.

Sample Output:

Input hour(h) and minute(m) (separated by a space):

The angle is -23076408.0 degrees at 0:4195776.

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92. Write a C programming to find the last non-zero digit of the factorial of a given positive integer. Go to the editor

For example for 5!, the output will be "2" because 5! = 120, and 2 is the last nonzero digit of 120

Sample Output:

Input a positive number:

The last non-zero digit of the said factorial:


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93. Write a C programming to check if a given number is nearly prime or not. Go to the editor

Nearly prime number is a positive integer which is equal to product of two prime numbers.

Sample Output:

It is not a Nearly prime number.

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C programming Code Editor:

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Hope it helps u plz mark me as brainleist thank you

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