Wap to enter a no. Having 0 within it and finally form a new no. By removing 0 from it.
For example. 4053 ---453
Using Java nd plz don't give any other answers
U will get 20 points
❏A phrase used to describe a collection of services offered by a third-party vendor that are designed to assist organizations and businesses to obtain exposure and a better search engine ranking -- or placement for their website
❏A search engine normally consists of four components e.g. search interface, crawler(also known as a spider or bot),indexer, and database.
❏The crawler traverses a document collection, deconstructs document text, and assigns surrogates for storage in the search engine index.
❏A phrase used to describe a collection of services offered by a third-party vendor that are designed to assist organizations and businesses to obtain exposure and a better search engine ranking -- or placement for their website
❏A search engine normally consists of four components e.g. search interface, crawler(also known as a spider or bot),indexer, and database.
★the crawler traverses a document collection, deconstructs document text, and assigns surrogates for storage in the search engine index.