English, asked by SimranPatnaik7961, 9 months ago

‘Was it well or sorely spent’? Explain this statement with examples.


Answered by JaMaeEun


This statement sort of means, "was it worth it"

example using this phrase is:  "Yes, it was alot of money, but was it well or sorely spent?"


Answered by ltsmeAliya


  • This is one  of  the  interrogative  statements  that  the  poet  uses to ask the reader whether he  has  lived  his life  well  for the  day,  or whether he  has wasted  the  day by spending  it  bitterly.  
  • In  the  light  of  the  poem,  a  well spent  day is one  when  we  make others  happy,  when  we  are remembered  by  someone  when  someone  says  a  few kinds words about  us when  we  greet  others cheerfully when  our deeds  make  others feel grateful when  we  help  even  a  single  person  out  of  the  many  that  we  meet  when  even  a single  heart rejoices because  of  us,  and  when  we  instil courage  in  someone  who  is losing  hope.  
  • On  the  other hand,  a  day is sorely spent  when  we  don’t  even  greet  a  friend properly as we  go  on  about  our  day,  or when  we  are purely selfish  in  our rush  to  get  to the  next  task,  thus  ignoring  the  needs of  others around  us.  
  • It  is the  way  we  spend  our day that  decides whether we  have  earned  our tomorrow or not.  If  we  have  helped  even one  person  to  minimize  his problems,  we  have  earned  ourselves  a  good  future. However, a  day spent  serving  only the  self,  might  not  earn  us our tomorrow .
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