Physics, asked by lulimu, 6 months ago

was the geographical location of the white willow relevant to the development of artificial salicylic acid? explain your answer


Answered by georgeanorue

Answer: Yes


Willow bark comes from the willow tree of the Salix species. The bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. Salicin is metabolized in the body to create salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin. The herbal extract has long been used in native and folk medicine to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever. Willow tree is deciduous tree which belongs to the family Salicaceae. This plant originates from China, but it can be found throughout the northern hemisphere (Europe, Asia and North America). Willow inhabits temperate areas that provide enough moisture and direct sunlight. It is often found near the lakes and ponds or planted in gardens and parks because of its ornamental morphology. Willow is a symbol of immortality and rebirth in China. In the other parts of the world willow often symbolizes grief. Willow trees are associated with mysticism and superstition. According to the legend, witches crafted brooms using the branches of the willow tree.

Interesting Willow tree Facts:

Rare types of willow can grow to the height of 70 feet. Most willows can reach 35 to 50 feet in height and develop the crown of the same size.

Raindrops that are falling to the ground from the drooping branches of willow resemble tears. That is how weeping willow got its name.

Willow trees have elongated leaves that are green on the upper side and whitish on the bottom side.

Color of the leaves changes seasonally. Leaves turn from green to yellow in the autumn. Willow is deciduous plant, which means that it sheds its leaves each winter.

Willow has extremely strong and well developed root. It is often larger than the stem. Root of willow can clog the drains, sewage and septic systems and destroy sidewalks in urban areas.

Willow is dioecious plant which means that each plant produces either male or female reproductive organs. Flowers are small and organized in catkins.

Flowering takes place at the beginning of the spring. Flowers are rich in nectar which attracts insects and ensures pollination. Fruit of willow is brown capsule.

Besides from the seed, willow can easily reproduce from broken twigs and leaves.

Willow is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. It can grow 10 feet in height each year.

Due to ability to absorb large quantities of water, willow is often planted in flooded areas or areas that need to be drained. Strong, deep and wide root also prevents erosion of the soil.

Willow has wide application in medicine. Compound isolated from the bark, called "salicin" is used in the production of very popular and widely used drug: aspirin. This is just one of numerous beneficial compounds that can be found in the willow.

People chewed bark of the willow tree to treat fever, inflammation and pain in the past.

Willow tree is used in the manufacture of baskets, fishing nets, furniture and toys.

Dyes extracted from the willow trees are used for tanning of the leather.

Compared to other wooden plants, willow has short life span. It can survive up to 30 years in the wild.

With all this been said you can see that it's geographical area enhances it's ability to produce salicylic acids which maybe lead to it's discovery

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