English, asked by monisha48, 9 months ago

watchmen of the lake scene 3 summary​


Answered by aashi4296



A white news vendor pontificates on the state of the world while a black teenage boy sits on the ground and reads a comic book, The Black Freighter. The Doomsday Prophet buys his daily New Frontiersman and tells the news vendor today will be the end of the world.

At the government research facility, Laurie Juspeczyk and Dr. Manhattan are making love when she realizes he has cloned himself. Two Dr. Manhattans are in the room with her, and one is working in the next room. Dr. Manhattan tries to explain himself by saying he doesn't know what "stimulates" her anymore, but she is far angrier about his inability to give her his undivided attention than his bedroom games. She leaves in a rage. Meanwhile, Dr. Manhattan's former lover, Janey Slater, is being interviewed by a reporter from the Nova Express. She is going public with her terminal cancer, which she believes Dr. Manhattan caused.

Laurie goes to Dan Dreiberg's house just as a locksmith is finishing the installation of a new lock. She tells him she left Dr. Manhattan. Dan tries to console Laurie, but she doesn't want to wallow in her unhappiness. She walks him to Hollis Mason's house. On the way, they are cornered in an alley by a group of knife-wielding thugs. Laurie and Dan make quick work of fighting them off, then go their separate ways. When Dan arrives at Hollis's house, he learns Dr. Manhattan went ballistic during a live television interview that evening.

Dr. Manhattan's meltdown was sparked by Doug Roth from Nova Express, who insinuates Dr. Manhattan is responsible for the cancer that killed or is killing his associates, including Moloch and Janey. Dr. Manhattan is blindsided; he had no idea Janey was ill. An army intelligence official tries to abort the interview, but the mob of reporters won't give up. Dr. Manhattan teleports everyone and everything out of the television studio, even the TV cameras. After a quick visit to the research facility, where he sees a soldier painting a radiation warning on his door, Dr. Manhattan teleports himself to Mars by way of Arizona.

The next day Laurie goes to the research facility, where she is accused of putting Dr. Manhattan under the "emotional stress" that led to his departure. Meanwhile, Rorschach breaks into Dan's apartment and wakes him up with a newspaper and the news of Dr. Manhattan's disappearance. "Two of us gone. All within a week," Rorschach says. Back at the news kiosk, the news vendor receives a new shipment of newspapers with the headline "Russians Invade Afghanistan." He tells the teenager to take The Black Freighter, which he's been reading for two days, and gives him the hat off his head. "I mean, we all gotta look out for each other, don't we?" he asks as the kid edges away.

In Washington, DC, President Nixon and his advisors study various nuclear war scenarios, each worse than the last. On Mars Dr. Manhattan looks at old photographs of himself with Janey. The chapter ends with a quotation from the book of Genesis: "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

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