Water harvesting is an age-old concept in India. Khadins, tanks and nadís in Rajasthan, bandharas and tals in Maharashtra, bundhis in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, ahars and pynes in Bihar, kulhs in Himachal Pradesh, ponds in the Kandi belt of Jammu region, and eris (tanks) in Tamil Nadu. surangams in Kerala, and kattas in Karnataka are some of the ancient water harvesting, including water conveyance. structures still in use today (see Fig. 16.4 for an example). Water harvesting techniques are highly locale specific and the benefits are also localised. Giving people control over their local water resources ensures that mismanagement and over-exploitation of these resources is reduced/removed.
Can you guys please make it into short points
Answered by
-Water harvesting is an age-old concept in India
-Rajasthan,Maharashtra,Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh,Bihar,Himachal Pradesh,Jammu follow water harvesting
-Water harvesting techniques are highly locale specific and the benefits are also localised. Giving people control over their local water resources ensures that mismanagement and over-exploitation of these resources is reduced/removed.
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