Biology, asked by srijasingirikonda, 7 months ago

Water produced during respiration is called​


Answered by payalhoney


cellular respiration...

Answered by kalyanink87gmailcom

Metabolism creates as a by-product 100 grams of water per 100 grams of fat, as well as 42 grams of water per 100 g of protein and 60 grams of water per 100 g of carbohydrates. So this is a significant amount of water.

So yes, Humans get about 10% (maximum) of water needed to survive from respiration and metabolism. There are some animals that get 100% of their water needs from respiration and metabolism, thereby managing without drinking extra water.

Birds have an interesting adaptation, so do reptiles, where their water needs are further minimised by the fact they can excrete Uric Acid instead

Manages blood sugar levels.

Yes water is produced during respiration. But it is a lot times less than required to maintain osmotic balance, producing digestive juices which are approx 10L per day consisting of 99% water and blood volume. Moreover to carry on respiration successfully you need the homeothermy which requires water loss through skin. So if you live without water then the respiratory machinery will be one of the first systems to die out.

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