English, asked by chravi091974, 11 months ago

Ways of managing children's consumption of electronic devices and preventing their addiction to games


Answered by Tomboyish44

Hola Mate!❤❤

I have written a short article sort of thing on this, it might contain grammatical errors. Do excuse them.

I have stated a brief info on what we should generally know about Games and gadgets in the first parah, and in the second parah, we talk about its cons.


Gaming and spending time on gadgets is kind of addiction that falls on most of us. But, Its a fun way of learning new things, and experiencing a different phase of the internet. It's fun, mostly popular among the youth, sometimes even the matured. We can all agree gaming is a fun activity, as well as using electronic devices. With our Mobile's/Tab's/PC's We get to know people, we learn new things, it's a more faster way of getting things done. We all are very thorough with their advantages. But it does have comparatively more Cons than Pro's.

Getting closer to the Con's, the major impact both Video games and electronic gadgets have on children is eye-sight. We now see tons of kids wearing glasses in schools etc., which is obviously not good. It affects our health, our stamina, as well as our capability to perform outdoor activities. It is neccesary for the youth to know these harmfull effects of excessive use of electronic devices in their life, and minimise the use of them from time to time.

How to Manage children's addiction from Electronic Gadgets and Games.

  • Talk to the children in a jovial manner and understand what they like the most about the Gadgets, and try to bring something similar in real life, which would reduce the use of gadgets.
  • Bring over their friends, relatives etc, that they spend time more outside than sitting inside.
  • Talk to them about its bad adverse effects and reduce the time spent on gadgets.
  • Parents must themselves reduce the time spent on gadgets.
  • Provide them with new oppurtunities that open up new paths in life for them to follow.
  • Take children out on daily walks on a peacefull evening.


Hope it Helps!

Answered by Jasleen0599

Ways of managing children's consumption of electronic devices and preventing their addiction to games

  • Plan a time when your child can use the gadget appropriately, and then think of enjoyable physical activities they can do at other times. Avoid placing a TV and other electronics in your child's bedroom, and store them away after usage. Observe "tech-free" periods, such as when eating, doing homework, and going to bed.
  • Consider your personal media usage patterns and schedule time for different play and hobbies. Promote "screen-free" periods each day. whenever you're not using them, turn off your own screens (including background TV). Avoid using screens at least an hour before going to bed, and forbid entertainment in bedrooms.
  • When using the mouse, extend your entire arm, not just your wrist. Watch out for your child's nighttime sleep needs. Experts on sleep advise against using electronics an hour before bed. Teach children to be aware of their surroundings; distractions from technology, particularly on roadways, are the most dangerous.
  • However, treating the underlying conditions that predispose teenagers to gaming disorder is ultimately the most efficient strategy to prevent teen video game addiction. Therefore, parents can assist teenagers in developing healthy coping mechanisms including exercise, time spent in nature, yoga, meditation, and creative expression.


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