Geography, asked by jenefa57, 1 year ago

ways to conserve eco system ?​


Answered by kailashmannem


Measures to Conserve our Ecosystem

The degradation of soils, air, water and biological resources can negatively impact on public health, food security, consumer choice and business opportunities. The rural poor, most dependent on the natural resource base, are often hardest hit. Hence to conserve our much wanted ecosystem, strong public policies and steps are of the almost importance.

This can be done in two broad ways:

Improving Efficiency of Existing Technologies:

In this circumstance. The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB) highlights existing and emerging solutions suitable for wider replication.

(a) Rewarding Benefits:

Payments for ecosystem services (PES Schemes) can be local (e.g.. Water Provisioning) up to global (e.g., REDD-Plus Proposals for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, as well as afforestation, reforestation and effective conservation – if designed and implemented properly). Product certification, green public procurement, standards, labelling and voluntary actions provide additional options for greening the supply chain and reducing impacts on natural capital.

(b) Reforming Subsides:

Global subsidies amount to almost $1 trillion per year for agriculture, fisheries energy, transport and other sectors combined. Reforming subsidies that are inefficient, out dated as harmful makes double sense during a time of economic and ecological crisis.

(c) Regulation and Pricing:

Many threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services can be tackled through robust regulator frameworks that establish environmental standards and liability regimes. These are already tried and tested and can perform even better when linked to pricing and compensation mechanisms based on the “polluter pays” and “full cost recovery” principles to alter the status quo which often leaves society to pay price.

(d) Protected Areas:

The global protected area network covers around 13.9 percent of the Earth’s land surface, 5.9 percent of territorial seas and only 0.5 percent of the high seas. Nearly, one-sixth of the worlds population depend on protected areas for a significant percentage of livelihoods, increasing coverage and funding, including through payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, would leverage their potential to maintain biodiversity and expand the flow of ecosystem services for local, national and global benefit.

(e) Investing in Ecological Infrastructure:

This can provide cost-effective opportunities to meet policy objectives, e.g., increased resilience to climate change, reduced risk from natural hazards, improved food and water security as a contribution to poverty alleviation. Up-front investments in maintenance and conservation are almost always cheaper than trying to restore damaged ecosystems. Never the less, the social benefits that flow from restoration can be several times higher than the costs.

(f) Eco-Efficiency Technology:

Introduction of eco-efficiency technology to reduce the negative impacts of existing technology. In this case, recycling of the used products and find out small changes in existing techniques. So that it would consume minimum amount of non-renewable energy resources for further production.

Hope it helps you

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