English, asked by sonone856, 7 months ago

ways to protect form cold climate​


Answered by Poonambhumi68


Explanation:Dressing for the weather

Wear several layers of loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent.

Wear mittens, which are warmer than gloves.

Wear a hat. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.

Answered by vjoshi10


Keep your home warm and stay indoors when possible, try and keep the temperature indoors as near to 18°C as possible.

Stay active whilst you are indoors and move around at least once per hour and avoid sitting in one place for long periods of time.

Having regular hot meals and drinks will provide your body with the energy it needs to keep you warm and well.

Wrap up in layers of clothing, layers help to trap air between them forming a protective insulation. Heat is easily lost from your head so wear a hat and scarf when going outside.

Be cautious if you need to exert yourself outside during cold weather do so with caution as even walking in cold weather causes our body to work harder. Avoid shoveling snow if you have a heart condition as this activity can lead to overexertion.

Try not to become overheated when outside if you notice that you are sweating due to physical activity your blood vessels may dilate causing a drop in blood pressure. You would be advised to go indoors and remove your outer clothing to allow your body to cool down.

Besides cold temperatures, wind and rain can also steal body heat. Wind is especially dangerous as it can remove the layer of warmer air from around your body, which can cause the body to lose heat very rapidly. Similarly, dampness can also cause your body to lose heat faster than at the same temperatures in drier conditions.

If you feel like you may be developing a cough or cold seek advice early you can get advice from your pharmacist or GP.

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