Geography, asked by NathanKumar5093, 1 year ago

Wch two factors are responsible for land degradation?


Answered by dipti14
major factors responsible for land degradation are as follows;

1.soil erosion: it is the process of removal of the top layer of soil either by flowing water or by wind.

2.deforestation -cutting down trees in a huge India there Forest degraded area consists 28% of total eroded area .

3. Over Irrigation
Over Irrigation is also responsible for land degradation as it leads to increase salinity and alkalinity of soil. In States like Punjab and Haryana over Irrigation is responsible for land degradation.

4.human activities- clearing the forest areas for making industries or for making houses or for mining activities.

5. over grazing - areas like gujarat etc in India are affected due to overgrazing. is caused by animals, generally sheep, cattle, or other feral animals, all concentrated in the one area
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