We all are well known by the efforts and struggle of our fathers. The one who sometimes rather not shows his love but is the world most precious gift.
We can't describe his efforts and affection in words. But here with a small try you can give a beautiful poem for your father.
Write a beautiful poem for your father showing your love towards them.

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Answered by
hey dear
< Mahboob shaikh >
thank you for asking this beautiful question
This Sunday is Fathers Day ( Which means if you haven't got a present yet probably you should get it )
On this beautiful day I'm going to write the poem my poem goes like this
The depth of a father love shown in his eyes son eyes / what's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise A foundation built on more than just it's commitment kept and promise that go unbroken An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase A relation is so peculiar that only two can understand yet so it's obvious that by god it was planned .
Father's love bring wealth to living remembering this we go forth in giving / Father's young Fathers old we remember you all as life unfolds
I love you Dad and want you to know and feel your love wherever I go whenever I have problem you are there to assist me The ways you have helped me would make a quite list Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the way and I am thankful to you as I live day by day I don't tell you enough how important you are in my universe you are bright shinning star
Your arms are my shelter assuring me that it will be better your hand is my comfort lifting me up when I short fall your voice makes me strong teaching me what's right and what's wrong your smile says it all father I love you more than all
God's took the strength of a mountain the majesty of a tree the warmth of a summer sun
The calm of quiet sea the generous soul of nature the comforting arms of night the wisdom of the ages the power of the eagles fight the joy of a morning In spring
The faith of a mustard seed the patience of eternity the depth of family need then god combined this qualities
when there was nothing more to add he knew his master piece was complete
And So he called it DAD
here I fineshes My poem
At last I would like to say
All DAD is the best friend of his son / daughter and greatest role model He is amazing dad , Coach, Mentor, Soldier Tiger Woods
Happy Father's Day to all of you
enjoy your day with your father
Thank you so much
uttu22 ( utkarsh)
< Mahboob shaikh >
thank you for asking this beautiful question
This Sunday is Fathers Day ( Which means if you haven't got a present yet probably you should get it )
On this beautiful day I'm going to write the poem my poem goes like this
The depth of a father love shown in his eyes son eyes / what's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise A foundation built on more than just it's commitment kept and promise that go unbroken An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase A relation is so peculiar that only two can understand yet so it's obvious that by god it was planned .
Father's love bring wealth to living remembering this we go forth in giving / Father's young Fathers old we remember you all as life unfolds
I love you Dad and want you to know and feel your love wherever I go whenever I have problem you are there to assist me The ways you have helped me would make a quite list Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the way and I am thankful to you as I live day by day I don't tell you enough how important you are in my universe you are bright shinning star
Your arms are my shelter assuring me that it will be better your hand is my comfort lifting me up when I short fall your voice makes me strong teaching me what's right and what's wrong your smile says it all father I love you more than all
God's took the strength of a mountain the majesty of a tree the warmth of a summer sun
The calm of quiet sea the generous soul of nature the comforting arms of night the wisdom of the ages the power of the eagles fight the joy of a morning In spring
The faith of a mustard seed the patience of eternity the depth of family need then god combined this qualities
when there was nothing more to add he knew his master piece was complete
And So he called it DAD
here I fineshes My poem
At last I would like to say
All DAD is the best friend of his son / daughter and greatest role model He is amazing dad , Coach, Mentor, Soldier Tiger Woods
Happy Father's Day to all of you
enjoy your day with your father
Thank you so much
uttu22 ( utkarsh)

Answered by
Hello Sister!
Its true that we can never limit our parents love even in a book or a poem. But yet I will try my best to decribe my Papa. I really belive him as my real hero. Actually, papa is a real hero for every child.
Heartly thanks to give us a chance for showing our love.
Papa! This one is for you.
I opened my eyes with keen desires,
This worls was as tough as fire.
I slept, keeping head on your arm,
I felt all people like busy swarm.
I was so unknown to this world,
There were so many twist - a'd curls.
I walked on' holding your finger,
I was so little and younger.
You took care care of me, beyond thinking what you will get.
That's we say a father love, which has no end.
You taught me to learn, I learned from you to teach.
You made me capable to do what was out of my reach!
I grow up slowly - slowly, but your love never slowed.
You yet treat me as a child, when I used you to hold.
I ran from every one, I was feared from them a lot.
Bu you told me to fight from world, even if its possible or not.
You are the one who may sometimes scold,
but you are the one who made me bold.
Whenever I fell from stairs of success,you were one ro hold.
You were always there to support.
How grown up I may be, you yet play like child,
You always broughtme know to world's wild.
I think some time, if you were not there!
Oh! then there would be one in world fair.
I would never be known to world with out you,
Who would made me so bold with out you?
I can never explain you role.
Pardon me! Because each shot of my life has your role.
I can never scroll up to explain world to you,
Because there would be no one without you.
Today I am what is because you made me,
A strong statue full of emotions to make me one day free.
Hats off to you and lakhs of thanks papa to be like a mirror,
Thanks Papa! You are a real warrior.
Thank you so much papa, I am really yet incapable to explain your role. But I know, yet for you I am a small doll which will never grow. Parents are really true friends. And we are there small kids even if we grow up.
Thank you papa, Always be with you and I know you will be there to hold my hand whenever I will fall.
Thanka Papa!
Happy Father's day!
Please all give your true love to your parents till the end.
Its true that we can never limit our parents love even in a book or a poem. But yet I will try my best to decribe my Papa. I really belive him as my real hero. Actually, papa is a real hero for every child.
Heartly thanks to give us a chance for showing our love.
Papa! This one is for you.
I opened my eyes with keen desires,
This worls was as tough as fire.
I slept, keeping head on your arm,
I felt all people like busy swarm.
I was so unknown to this world,
There were so many twist - a'd curls.
I walked on' holding your finger,
I was so little and younger.
You took care care of me, beyond thinking what you will get.
That's we say a father love, which has no end.
You taught me to learn, I learned from you to teach.
You made me capable to do what was out of my reach!
I grow up slowly - slowly, but your love never slowed.
You yet treat me as a child, when I used you to hold.
I ran from every one, I was feared from them a lot.
Bu you told me to fight from world, even if its possible or not.
You are the one who may sometimes scold,
but you are the one who made me bold.
Whenever I fell from stairs of success,you were one ro hold.
You were always there to support.
How grown up I may be, you yet play like child,
You always broughtme know to world's wild.
I think some time, if you were not there!
Oh! then there would be one in world fair.
I would never be known to world with out you,
Who would made me so bold with out you?
I can never explain you role.
Pardon me! Because each shot of my life has your role.
I can never scroll up to explain world to you,
Because there would be no one without you.
Today I am what is because you made me,
A strong statue full of emotions to make me one day free.
Hats off to you and lakhs of thanks papa to be like a mirror,
Thanks Papa! You are a real warrior.
Thank you so much papa, I am really yet incapable to explain your role. But I know, yet for you I am a small doll which will never grow. Parents are really true friends. And we are there small kids even if we grow up.
Thank you papa, Always be with you and I know you will be there to hold my hand whenever I will fall.
Thanka Papa!
Happy Father's day!
Please all give your true love to your parents till the end.

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