we always see the lightening first before the thundering sound because
a. sound has more velocity than light
b. sound waves has more velocity than ligjt velocity
c. light has more velocity than sound that of sound wave
d. none..other
d.none other
because light travels faster than sound in 299,792,458 m/s.
The standard metric for the speed of light is that of light traveling in vacuum. This constant, known as c, is roughly 186,000 miles per second, or roughly one million times the speed of sound in air. According to Einstein's work, matter and signals cannot travel faster than c.
The speed of sound through air is about 340 meters per second. (The speed of sound in water is about 4 times faster than this). The speed of light in air is about 300 million meters per second.
If you see a flash of light and it takes 5 seconds before you here the noise how far is that flash away from you
- Anonymous
Hendersonville NC
The distance depends on the speed of sound in air. This speed varies slightly depending on the temperature, pressure and humidity. For ’back of the envelope’ calculations you can take
V = 340 km/sec. The distance-speed-time relationship is d = V*t. So plugging in the numbers you get 1700 meters, a tad over one mile.
Lee H