CBSE BOARD X, asked by rajashreeshegde2005, 1 year ago

we are acoountable for our actions as it has an influence on other peoples lives explain with reference to the lesson A Triumph Of Surgery
correct answer will be marked as brainliest


Answered by pratik1332


Mrs. Pumphrey’s actions had a harmful reaction to Tricki’s health. She was overparenting’ and overfeeding Tricki in the name of love. This worsened his condition to the extent that he had to be hospitalised. People like Mrs. Pumphrey are not just merely silly but their actions can definitely have dangerous consequences for others.

Answered by sumit1931


Mrs. Pumphrey’s actions had a harmful reaction to Tricki’s health. She was overparenting’ and overfeeding Tricki in the name of love. This worsened his condition to the extent that he had to be hospitalised. People like Mrs. Pumphrey are not just merely silly but their actions can definitely have dangerous consequences for others.

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