we are facing a new world order essay
Amidst the socio-economic disruptions caused by COVID-19, the human race is simultaneously also learning to adapt to the newly emerging systems and processes. I am reminded of the mythological story of ‘Samudra Manthan’ or the ‘churn of the ocean of milk’ mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures. The churn is a battle fought between the gods and the devils in order to obtain ‘Amrita’ – the nectar of immortal life. That battle is similar to the one the world is facing today, where we are all fighting the COVID-19 devil to protect our lives and ensure the well-being of the human race.
There is a similar looming uncertainty, distress and fear for life. In fact, much like the poison initially spilling from this churn, the pandemic is also throwing its challenges towards us – in terms of loss of life, global economy slowdown, mass panic and distress, the need to adapt to new business models, to name a few. However, the churn will ultimately enable us to re-structure our priorities, and ways of living and working to define a new world order. It will help us get ‘Amrita’, by making us aware of the fundamental priorities, including – the importance of building a sustainable world, focusing on healthcare and general hygiene, leveraging technology to enable new ways of working.
The common cause of finding a solution to COVID-19 has brought together individuals, institutions, communities, governments and society at large. Looking at such collaborative initiatives, I get a sense of optimism, since my conviction is that the advanced knowledge of technology and ingenuity will help the global population to fight and defeat this viral attack. One may argue that it may take some time before an antidote is found; meanwhile, alternative systems and approaches can be developed, that will not only help manage the current crisis but also create new ways of doing business in future.
Measures taken by various countries to counter COVID-19 has set a few benchmarks. It provides a few options for agriculture, manufacturing and other industry businesses, to conduct their operation in the face of such crisis. Singapore, for instance, has an aggressive contact tracing effort and legal authority to order people into quarantine. In Italy, the country’s whole population of 60 million has been restricted from travelling out of their homes, except for urgent healthcare or work reasons. Schools and universities, as well as public gatherings, have been banned until further orders. Similarly, India, United States, China, European Union, United Kingdom and African countries have shown solidarity in this time of global crisis. All of them are exploring the alternate methods, systems and process to ensure that there is business continuity.
In fact, this ‘Samudra manthan’ is showing signs of new trends and opportunities as well.
US agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are encouraging people who feel unwell to first talk to doctors remotely, by video or phone, to avoid filling waiting rooms. Imagine the comfort with such a permanent healthcare system for patients in a country like India, travelling from distant places for specialized health services. Telemedicine in India is currently at a nascent stage. Systems like those adopted by US administration to counter COVID-19, when powered with the network of the future – 5G, will give a tremendous boost to telemedicine in India. It will also open up opportunities for entrepreneurs to set up back-end operations in remote, inaccessible and remote parts of India, which in turn would also create job opportunities.
The Kerala government has announced that it will provide extra 5G bandwidth across the state, as it expects more people to work and learn online amid the COVID-19 outbreak. All school districts in New Jersey have prepared for remote classes in case, schools needs to be closed. A colleague spent all of last week testing systems with students at homes for online learning. E-learning, without any doubt, is in the limelight. Could this be the new future of school education? I am sure it would be the new normal, even after the world and India can mitigate the effects of COVID-19.
In the US and a few other parts of the world, robots are already doing farm work. With the breakout of COVID-19, it has gained more traction and robots have replaced a slew of farming activities. In agriculture, 5G can further enable improvement in the entire value-chain, from precision farming, smart irrigation, improved soil and crop monitoring, to livestock management. 5G technologies’ promise of expanding and accelerating connectivity without sacrificing battery life will be particularly beneficial to farmers, and is already improving veterinary diagnostics, crop protection, reduction of fertilizer use and smart irrigation systems that conserve water.