English, asked by anchaljaiswal4, 1 year ago

we are not as happy as our forefather were?​


Answered by Anonymous




it's a generation difference

Answered by punam31


The word ‘Forefather’ is the word of great honor and regard, and it may be one of the biggest controversy and irony if we entangle ourselves whether we are leading a happy life or our forefathers were.

Though science and technological development has made our lives comfortable and easy, providing all luxuries and comforts yet, the side effects of it’s are worst as we have lost the peace of mind and the time has come that we people are now resisting on YOGA and meditation i.e. the teaching of our forefathers. Flourishing of YOGA

and meditation centers in town and cities are the instance of it.

Internet makes us close to the people of the world yet we have lost the warmth and charm of physical meetings and physical presence. The warmth and charm our forefathers felt by traveling abroad and by physical meetings to the people concern.

Although science advancement has opened many phases of employment yet it is not fulfilling the proper needs of employments as we have seen the youths wandering here and there in search of jobs. In this concern, our forefathers were at much better place as heredity occupation system was in existence and children very often applied the same profession of their forefathers.

Imaginations have been lost in literature arena as today mostly our findings are in the shape of Medical journals and technological journals, but the emotions, sentiments and even the voice of the people crafted by our Forefathers in their time has been totally missing out. If it is not so why so far we have not been able to give birth any other Shakespeare, Milton, Mirza Ghalib, Iqbal or Kabir

Having all the advancement of science, we people have become much centralized and selfish that hardly we have enough time to take care of the emotions and sentiments of the members of our family and relatives as our forefathers stuck to it very hard.

We people have gone across the limits in the name of scientific inventions and discoveries that led to natural imbalance and great damage to environment in the shape of pollution, whereas our forefathers were much aware of environment.

So it is better to say that we people have all the comforts and luxuries provided by science and technologies development, yet we are facing so much hazard ness in life which is clear by the above mentioned facts.

In all the contexts it may be the irony to say that we are leading a better life than our forefathers. Though they had no such blessings and physical comforts of science, yet they had warmth in relations, creativity in artistic imaginations in the shape of literature, neat and clean environment, good body structure, self satisfaction and ore

than that less ambitions necessary to lead a happy life which is also forcing us to take a U turn to path, prophesies and pavement led by our forefathers.

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