"We attend to a small stain on a white wall"----- WHY?
I think this is because human is never satisfied.
Let me think positively .....then, may be because we have a owe to correct everything which is most imp. thing to become perfect.
White = Silent, innocent, pure
"We attend to a small stain on a white wall" psychological reason are -
White color is applied without any design or any measure uncontrollebly hence called as a unhealthy color having no coloured tone assigned to them
According to Psychologist Kandinsky defined white as a big silence.The reason is that the white colour doesn’t “talk”to any one hence is cold, and sterile. It only seems to talk to the impressions related to purity, innocence, beginning, timelessness, etc).
If a person stand facing towards a white wall and observes a white stain he will feel a sense of subjective impressions as in a complete white wall elements of any other color appears to be separated. Any of the colourful things, material, stain are able to create a difference and mark resemblence in a clear way due to the objective character of the white color.