We can find out the informations related to the life of Aryans in the Gangetic plain
From the sapta sindhu region. the Aryans migrated to the areas adjoining the Gangetic plain by clearing the Forest. We get Information regarding the life of the Aryans from 1000 B. C. E from later vedas, namely Atherveda, samaveda and yojurveda
Concept Introduction:-
History informs us about the past happenings with written records as it tells us about our past.
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The Aryans who reached the Gangetic plain cleared the forests using iron implements. They started farming in the fields using iron plough shares. With the expansion of agriculture, the Aryans were transformed into a settled society. Rigveda mentions several defeats of the natives. The series are probably equipped with superior weapons and chariots drawn by horses. With the help of these weapons the Aryans conquered the non-Aryans. These people are known as 'Dasas' or 'Dasyus'. The Aryans possessed the cattle of non-Aryans.
Final Answer:-
The correct answer is the Aryans who reached the Gangetic plain cleared the forests using iron implements.