We can specify the type of data to be displayed in cell using the ________ group
In Excel, the worksheet consists of a grid of columns and rows that form cells. You enter three types of data in cells: labels, values, and formulas. Labels (text) are descriptive pieces of information, such as names, months, or other identifying statistics, and they usually include alphabetic characters.
✨< b > Labels are descriptive pieces of information, such as names, months, or other identifying statistics, and they usually include alphabetic characters.<b>Labelsaredescriptivepiecesofinformation,suchasnames,months,orotheridentifyingstatistics,andtheyusuallyincludealphabeticcharacters.
✨< b > Values (numbers) are generally raw numbers or dates.<b>Values (numbers)aregenerallyrawnumbersordates.
✨< b > Formulas are instructions for Excel to perform calculations.<b>Formulas areinstructionsforExceltoperformcalculations
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