We have a spin-one-half projectile (mass m, Energy E = ℎ
). This projectile scatters
a spin-one-target of infinite mass.
For this, the Hamiltonian is:
∫ = ଵଶ
In the above expression, µ > 0, σi represent the Pauli spin operators, where for i=1,
we have the spin operator for projectile and for i=2, we have spin operator for
Evaluate ௗ
(differential scattering cross section), in lowest order Born
approximation. The same should be calculated as a function of k and scattering
angle. Also, computation should be done averaging over initial; and summing over
final states of spin polarization.
The write up should include the following parts:
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Abstract
d. Background
e. Introduction
f. The Problem Statement and Data given
g. Assumptions (if any)
h. Computation with necessary explanations
i. Conclusion and Inference
j. References
k. Appendices
There should be minimum 4 academic references in APA Style.
Answered by
hdx xggfgm. xsrxc vgtavnu
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