we know that iota square = -1
=> iota = √(-1)
so now
iota square= iota * iota
=>iota square = √(-1) * √(-1)
and we know that √a * √b = √ab
=>iota square =√(-1)(-1) = 1
but we know that iota squre= -1
so how is it possible that iota square is both +1 and -1 ??
Answered by
how can u take a negative number in a root first of all
no number multiplied twice can be negative
u can't multiply numbers which are undefined
For complex numbers
we assume it just as variable
whose value is not defined
And by the way
The formula is √a * √b =√ab
for a>0 b>0
no number multiplied twice can be negative
u can't multiply numbers which are undefined
For complex numbers
whose value is not defined
And by the way
The formula is √a * √b =√ab
for a>0 b>0
well i dont understand how to make it "understand" to my teacher who wants a "detailed" answer..
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