We know that, the sound is not transmitted by the actual movement of the particle. It is transmitted by the disturbance in the medium. The maximum distance moved by a vibrating layer on the either side of the mean position is called _______. A) Frequency B) Amplitude C) Crest D) Trough class 8
We’ve all heard that there’s no sound in space, even though tons of movies and TV shows have you hearing everything from ships’ engines to explosions. If there’s sound on Earth, why wouldn’t there be sound in space? The secret is in how sound travels
Sound travels as waves of energy, but, unlike light, the waves transmit energy by changing the motion of particles. Let’s say you clap your hands together. The molecules of air between your hands are squished out, those particles hit the particles outside your hands and push them outward, those particles hit the particles next to them, and so on until the particles next to your eardrums get hit. You can think of it like a tiny air explosion that travels outward around the thing that made the sound.