We need money to survive, to be comfortable, to indulge and enjoy ourselves. Even as
children, though not earning ourselves, we seek pocket money from parents. Money
also gives you power over others. The more the money, more the purchasing power. Not
surprisingly, money is the single most sought after coromodity today.
To acquire wealth, however, one needs knowledge. The main purpose of education is
to acquire knowledge that prepares you to face life and help build your character. If the
only purpose of knowledge acquisition is to earn money, then education is narroned
down to the knowledge required for only a low level of subsistence,
Broader and deeper knowledge has several advantages over material wealth.
Knowledge can be used to make money, but it cannot really be purchased with money,
it is acquired by individual effort. Worldly wealth is limited, knowledge is unlimited,
Knowledge cannot be taken away or stolen. It is not burdensome to carry and it causes
no anxiety. Safeguarding one's costly worldly possessions could be a source of immense
anxiety. Wealth could diminish but knowledge increases when shared a man of wealth
is respected only till he possesses it; an erudite person is respected even long after he is
no more.
The Mundaka Upanishad speaks of two kinds of knowledge ; apara vidya' or lover
koowledge acquired by study of the Vedas, rituals and astrology for one's well being in
the material world, and 'para vidya' or higher knowledge, knowledge of the imperishable
Being or God. One of the three main paths to be followed to attain liberation is jnana-
yoga, or union with God through knowledge. Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita :
"Realisation and competence gained through spiritual practices are never loat".
Material wealth is an impediment for a seeker of'para vidya', because it is a source of
obstruction. As Krishna says: "He on whom I want to bestow My grace, I slowly deprive
him of all his wealth”.
(328 worde) (KVS 2006)
9. Give a summary of the passage in your own words.
Knowledge is wealth and power .Its value cannt be denied. We gain knowledge to earn money ,as owing money makes us feel better and stronger among our folks,that's why we ask for pocket money from our parents in childhood.
Knowledge, according to The Mundaka is of two types.
,that is knowledge of world.
knowledge of imperishable.
Krishna also lays stress on the value of spiritual knowledge and makes us aware ,that upon whom ,he shows his grace ,make them deprived of worldly wealth.
Earning knowledge, is different from earning money .You can buy everything with money, but knowledge.
It cannt be snatched .
Money owners face anxiety, but knowledge owners enjoy peace of mind.
this is summary of this passage jo aapne likhle diya h