"We realize the true value of something only when we have lost it." Justify the statement with reference to the chapter 'The Lost Child'. (100-120 words) *
The lost child is a nice story where we see parents putting restrictions before almost all desires of their child. They prohibit the little boy from stopping and observing nature on the way to the fair. Also, whenever the boy becomes stubborn, the parents show eyes which clearly deaclare that they have objection. The boy shows his natural boyish characteristics and demands for sweets but this demand too is turned down by the parents. Finally we see that the boy becomes lost in the crowd of the fair. Perhaps the parents when they felt that their child is lost, lament for not fulfilling the little boy's desires. When they lose the boy, it may so happen that they wail for losing their most precious asset. So, it is true that we realise the true value of something only when we have lost it.
Prussians put a ban on the French language - People realized the
importance of holding onto their mother tongue.
M Hamel was considered strict and the classes / work given by
him were not taken seriously - After he was ordered to leave the
country, villagers realized the importance of his contribution to
the society. As we lost anything we realise the true value of it