Math, asked by dipo9342, 1 year ago

Weather π can have a square root or not?


Answered by Anonymous
heyyy here ur answer.:-

In fact π is approximately equal to:3.14159265358979323846…The digits go on and on with no pattern. π has been calculated to over two quadrillion decimal places and still there isno patternto the digits.A quick and easy approximation for π is 22/722/7 =3.1428571...But as you can see, 22/7 isnot exactly right. In fact π is not equal to the ratio of any two numbers, which makes it anirrational number.A better approximation (but still not exact) is:355/113 =3.1415929...(think "113355", then divide the "355" by the "113"...

i hope u understand its not square...
Answered by A1111
Yes, π can have square root which will never end :-

=> √π = 1.77245385.............

Check the link below to understand more about π :-

Hope this helps.....
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