WEB in the perspective of Educational institutions??
We are entering a world where nothing is permanent. As a child I was intrigued by the possibility of the world being a virtual reality and everybody convinced me against the idea. But when we look around the world we are living in today, it’s getting more virtual. The dynamic nature of web design industry is another proof of that. However when it comes to the educational institutions and their websites, a lot of them have not yet utilized the futuristic web design trends. What is it that’s holding them back? Continue reading to explore how some college websites are trying to flow with the latest web trends and they are inspiring others.
As we all know design is constantly evolving. It is dynamic, and must adjust to accommodate both form and function. Due to frequent changes in design, it can be a challenge to keep up with the newest design trends especially for college websites that have limited room for experimentation. In an article on web design trends for 2016, we’ve covered the most likely trends that are going to continue but the websites of educational institutions follow very few of them. Let’s take a quick look.