Weite the main preachings of Ramanuja
Ramanuja taught that souls and matter are dependent on Brahman for their existence. Brahman is the supreme Soul who is present in finite souls and matter. Brahman dwells in the souls unknown till it reaches liberation. The finite souls realize their divine nature but do not become identical with God.
1. The glories of preceptors and great devotees should be remembered before any other work is begun.
2. A part of the day should be set aside for praising and contemplating upon the glory of one's own preceptor.
3. A part of the day should also be set aside for reciting, studying and contemplating the works of Nammalvar and the other Alvars.
4. Service to one's own acharya and any other devotee (bhagavata) should be on a par.
5. One should serve every devotee (regardless of caste) as one would serve the personal acharya.
6. One should have faith and reverence for the teachings of all the previous Acharyas.
7. Having come in contact with an acharya due to one's previous good Karma one should not revert to mundane affairs.
8. Upon waking one should recall to mind the disciplic succession (guru-parampara).
9. When approaching the Lord in a temple or an assembly of Vaishnavas a prapanna should chant the dvaya mantra while prostrating to them (regardless of caste).
10. When a learned person is recounting the glories of the Lord, pay due respect and do not leave in the middle of the discourse.
11. One should avoid becoming engrossed in the persistent enjoyment of sensual pleasures.
12. One should not waste time in reading books about worldly things, unrelated to any knowledge about the Ultimate Truth.
13. In the matter of sensual pleasures one should be cautious and restrained.
14. Attachment to the use of perfumes, flowers and similar decorative items is not recommended.
15. One should not cultivate an interest and relish for hearing about mundane affairs.
16. One should always be studying about the Lord (Bhagavad-vishaya) — about His incarnations, pastimes and salvific activity.
17. Association with those who identify themselves with the mind/body complex should be avoided.
18. Even Vaishnavas who are enchanted by the passions of the body and mind should be avoided.
19. Avoid associating with those who repeatedly talk ill of others.
20. To compensate for the inevitable association with materialists one should frequently have spiritual conversations with other Vaishnavas.
21. All contact, even by sight or conversation with those who deprecate the devotees and who habitually obstruct the preceptors should be totally shunned.
22. Always cultivate the association of those devotees who regularly are mindful of their surrender to the Lord (by chanting the dvaya mantra.)
23. Avoiding those who follow other paths one should always nurture the association of devotees who know the right means to the Goal.
24. Always associate with those who know the three secrets and the three principles.
25. Do not mingle with those who are dedicated to the pursuit of material possessions and pleasures, but rather associate with people who are more beneficial.