Weke ser example of macro-economic variables
2. Write b ebits of infection
3 wire benefits of teakages
4. What is allow
5. Define more pow.
6. What do you mean by etrevlar Flow of income
2. Explain the role of house hold sector in circular fiow of locome.
8. Explan the role of industries, government and rest of the world in drcular flow of income.
9. Define circular flow of income la fou sectae economy.
National income
1. Define action
2. Write difference between GDPFC and NPMP.
3. Write the difference between NDPMP and GNPSC
4. What is double counting
5. Write some precaution to avoid double counting
Explain the difference between positive and normative economics
1. Define Extervallties.
& Write the di Herence between positive and negative extemalities with example.
9. What do you mean by Real GDP. How is it different from Nominal GDP.
10. Write the formula of Real GDP.
11 GDP is an index of wettare. Cavvent in this
22. What Green GNP
13. Delia mpensation of employees with its components.
14. Defin erating surplus with its corponents.
15. Define Penalconsomption expenditure
16. Defice Grous domestic carital formation
17. Write the steps of calculation of National Income
1) income
Product Method
18 Write the precautions during calculation of national income through
Product Method
19. Explainer factor income from Abroad.
30 wib difference between Net factor income from abroad and Net factor income paid to Abroad.
Aggregate Demand & Suppply
1. Define the concept of Aggregate demand and Aggreagate supply
2. Write and expisin the concepts of Aggreagate demand.
3. What are net exports
4. De me comumption. How is it different from consumption function.
5. Explain APC SPS and MPC MPS.
6. Explain the difference between APC and MPC with the help of numerical example,
7. Explain the difference between APS and MPs with the help of numerical example.
8. What do you mean by propensity to ronsume and propers to save.
9. Proof the relationship between APC nd APS.
10 Diagrammatically explain APC APS MPC MPS
11. Whole value of MPC, APC
12. What she value of APS, MPS
13. Draw the dlagrant and explain how consumption derives from saving curve.
14. Draw the diagram and explain how saving derives from consumption curve
15. Draw the diagram of consumption, income and saving curve in one and plot the values of APC and APS.
Employment and Income
1. What do you mean by effective aggregate demand.
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