.Were anger and fear in the situation justified ?
No means Nooo!
Politicians such as Donald Trump use emotional manipulations to increase the breadth and intensity of their support. One common technique is to stoke fear of groups such as immigrants and ethnic minorities. Such fears make people angry at the members of these groups, and also at political parties that seem to support them. Anger then leads to actions such as voting and funding.
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The observation that fear causes anger raises neglected issues about emotions. How common is it for emotions to cause other emotions? What are the mental mechanisms by which one emotion can lead to another?
Martha Nussbaum's fascinating 2018 book, The Monarchy of Fear, proposes that the fundamental political emotion is fear, which contributes to other emotions such as anger, disgust, and envy. Emotions are causally interconnected, with one emotion tending to lead to another. If you fear someone, you may become angry that they have made you fearful.