English, asked by rohitchouhan1918, 10 months ago

What about the composition the flood

Anonymous: ___k off


Answered by Princess1234567


here is ur answer..

Floods are natural phenomena. They occur when there is heavy rain and the discharge of water is great than the capacity of river channeled. Sometimes it has been seen that due to fast melting of snow on the hill tops the excess water begins to flow over the river banks and submerges the adjacent areas-

In our country most of the floods are seasonal. They occur during the monsoon period which extends from June to September. Sometimes there are torrential rains during this period causing wide spread floods. The most flood prone basins are those of the Ganga in the northern plains the Brahmaputra in Assam and .the deltas of the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and the Kaveri. The Brahmaputra has flooded more often and with greater severity in recent years.

One of the worst floods in more than fifty years to have hit India's eastern state of Assam is causing massive destruction, displacement, disease and a mounting death toll. Last year the monsoon rains were heavy and torrential and they continued till September. As a result there occurred heavy loss of life and material. Many people were doing their best to help the affected families. Some private organisations were also helping the needy.

The Government too came forward to assist them. Some private doctors were also called to give first aid on the spot. Others whose condition was serious were removed to the hospitals in the Government ambulance car. Thus medical help was given to all needy people. There was acute scarcity of food stuff and drinking water. Hence army and navy personnel mounted rescue operations. They dropped food packets and drinking water from aeroplanes. In this way, every possible help was given to the flood victims

UNICEF also gave monetary help to the affected people of the state. Inspite of all these helps, there were still millions of people who had no place left to live in. Their homes or huts were washed away by the flood water and they were forced to stay in the refugee camps.

Of all the forms of natural phenomena flooding in one the most destructive, this leaves the trail of woes and suffering for mankind. They have the most damaging effect on the crops and livestock. Apart from this, transport and communication links are also damaged. Many railway lines and roads are simply washed away by the fury of floods. Even after the swollen river recedes people became prey to many water borne diseases. There is always a fear of the outbreaks of epidemics. Thus floods have far reaching effects.

Man has got great achievements in the field of science technology. He has conquered even nature too in various ways but not completely. He is still helpless in the face of natural furies because he is not able to develop a technique to control them.

hope it helps...

plzz mark as brainliest !!!!


Answered by sahil007712

Flood is an overflow of huge amount of water covering large areas causing destruction at the places affected. Many regions across the globe face the problem of floods each year.

Flood occurs due to excessive downpour and lack of proper drainage system. The severity of flood may vary from region to region and the destruction caused due to the same varies accordingly.Floods are caused in areas where there is excessive downpour and poor drainage system. Flood is also caused because of other reasons including overflow of water from rivers and oceans, overflow of water in the plains due to dam break, excessive flow of water owing to sudden melting of glaciers. In coastal areas hurricanes and tsunamis cause flood. Floods can cause major destruction just as other natural calamities.

Several towns and cities around the world have suffered from severe floods that have cost lives of people and animals, resulted in loss of property and other valuable assets and destruction of soil and plants. Farmers are majorly impacted by floods as their crops get ruined owing to this weather condition. Water accumulated for days at a particular place also results in the outbreak of various diseases. When the condition is severe, the schools and offices are shut and it thus disturbs the normal life of people. Places that face severe floods take months to resurrect.

The irony is that there are certain regions that are hit by flood frequently and even though the government is aware about the problem, proper measures are not being taken to overcome it. The government must build good drainage system and water storage systems to control this problem.

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