English, asked by Atharva2481, 6 months ago

What according to inge are the source of happiness


Answered by sujaljain09


Religion is a great source of happiness, although it is prone to more serious misery than any other. Inge is of the opinion that running away from life ought not to make people happy and prefers unworldliness based on knowledge of the world as a better option.

Answered by omeshwar091718


According to William Ralph inge religion is a great source of happiness because it gives us the right standard of values. Religion enables us to regard troubles are temporary in our lives. Successful people tell that they were happiest while they were struggling for their success. Those who consider life as challenging are considered to be happy. Generally people think that young people are happier than the old people but author disagrees this statement and says that young people are unhappy because they face many conflicts in their life. Thereafter in the considers married people happier than singles because they are less chances to commit suicide despite even if they won't have children. Then Inge says that happy people are those who don't have any particular reason for being happy. Inge agrees the statement that depression is the most suitable stage for a person to become happy by focusing on his abilities to invent wonderful things. Inge says that busy people are happier than ideal because busy people happy that they found work but I will people are unhappy that did not find any kind of work. Inge wishes to ask fairy godmother mother 3 gives wisdom, domestic happiness, and approval of fellow beings because wisdom to estimate relative importance of things domestic happiness helps to build strong relationships recognition between law means is must to lead a happy life.

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