What accounts for these natural phenomena
The evaluation of the factors that define disasters caused by nature´s violent phenomena is the first step to avoid them. The understanding of the concepts of exposure and vulnerability is the base of any prevention and action policy. In all cases, the access to water and sanitation is always the core idea of any emergency actions and key factors of resilience.
On the 8th November 2013, at 4.30 am, the super typhoon Haiyan burst into the Visayas of the Philippines with winds reaching 235 km per hour, wiping out these islands and the majority of the central area of the country. Meteorologists were impressed: in terms of the drop of atmospheric pressure, it was the most intense cyclone registered on dry land and the one to generate the highest sustained wind speed in one minute in history. The devastation caused by Haiyan made it necessary to rethink the risk, vulnerability and resilience factors that are essential to prevent and palliate meteorological disasters and that allow the recovery of affected areas, where the first thing to be recovered is the access to water and to sanitation.