what activity can be organised to make a Malaysian successfull
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Malaysia has been a successful developing country and is forging ahead to become adeveloped nation in its own mould. In order to be more successful, our nation has to bemanaged effectively and its weaknesses and shortcomings have to be overcome. A majorchallenge it has to address in this endeavor is the strengthening of ethics and integrity.The government has implemented the Prime Minister's Directive No. I of 1998 whichaims to enhance the integrity of the management in government administration. This hasbeen done namely through the setting up of the Integrity Management Committee in allministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government as well as the StateGovernments. However, there is no mechanism thus far to involve other sectors, such asthe private sector, political parties, non-government organizations, religious groups, themedia, women, youth and students in an integrated and coordinated movement toenhance integrity. It is in this regard that the government has formulated the NationalIntegrity Plan (NIP) which will act as a master plan to guide all of the above sectors.The formulation of the NIP is predicated upon the spirit and principles of the FederalConstitution, the philosophy and principles of the Rukun Negara as well as theaspirations of Vision 2020. The overall objective of the NIP is to fulfill the fourthchallenge of Vision 2020, namely, "to establish a fully moral and ethical societywhose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual values and imbued with thehighest ethical standards."The NIP is an integrity plan
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