English, asked by physics1098, 11 months ago

What Advice must be given to unemployed who may experience marginalisation ,stigmatisation,labelling and unfair judgment


Answered by SelieVisa


Unemployment is a major problem and their is no easy solution as the number of unemployed is very high. We are living in a time where achieving a good education does not guarantee a job for a livelihood. The government too has not been able to provide enough employment avenues. The government has failed completely in creating jobs and employment. We see the desparation of the unemployed and the magnitude of the problem when thousands of people apply for interview for two or three vacant posts. This is a good question because so many educated people are involved in criminal activities out of compulsion. We have the manpower to make our nation more prosperous but it is not being utilised.

It is imperative to counsel the unemployed. Encourage them to take up any small jobs. There is nothing to be ashamed of in doing menial jobs even if your educational qualifications are impressive. Start with a small job and look for opportunities to climb up the ladder. Appear competitive exams again and again. Read books and newspapers to stay up-to-date with the latest situations. Attend seminars on career guidance. A group of unemployed friends can start a business together without depending on the government or other people. Stay positive. Unfair attitude towards them should not discourage them, it should be taken as a motivation to achieve something in life. No one is a failure until they give up in defeat.

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