what all ranks com next after achieving the rank genius?list them order wise and hoping for brainliest answer
Answered by
Heya friend,
Brainly is a great educational site. Brainly provides students a chance to learn and to be in touch with students all over India and world and increasing each other knowledge.
Brainly provides rank system too. We have some default ranks which goes as follows-
•Rising star
•Helping hand
These ranks you gain when you gain points by answering questions and gatherings brainliest answer.
But what when we will gain genius rank?
Well, nothing will happen. You will remain on genius rank but you should keep on answering questions and gathering brainliest as brainliest decreases after 30 days.
But there is something interesting in all this. We have some special ranks for special users who contributes to brainly a lot and has a very good , kind, co-operative behaviour.
Some special ranks go as follows -
•Brainly star
•Brainly benefactor
•Content quality
•Brainly guru
•Brainly teacher
•Brainly protector
•Leadership ranks.
Brainly star/Brainly benefactors are chosen by chosen leaders of teams respectively. If you will answer questions in good way and will be an active user you can gain these ranks.
Brainly guru/Brainly teacher/helper are chosen by Rishi sir [Administrator] , for gaining these ranks you should be good in any specific subject and should have completed your education.
For gaining sage/content quality, these are almost rare ranks. People who answers questions with great content and whose answers are helping users the most and they are totally respected users of brainly get these ranks. -KVN Murthy and Abhi178 have these ranks. TheViper too has Content quality rank.
For gaining Core/Moderator ranks , you must cross Brainly star And brainly Benefactor rank with completing all tasks you need to do as a brainly benefactor and star. And then you will gain moderator rank and if u will do great as a moderator. With doing enough moderations and helping users with their problems. You will gain core rank.
Brainly protectors are the rank given to user who protect brainly from spammers and all.
And leadership ranks are given to those people in brainly community who are responsible and active enough to handle team and users with their problems.
*Anyone can gain these ranks by doing hard work , no matter on what rank you are. You just need to answer questions nicely and should be am active user+ have a good behaviour to gain these ranks. You can gain these ranks even if you are on virtuoso, expert, ace etc. It's not compulsory to gain genius rank for these ranks. After you gain these ranks, you can try for genius ranks too*
Hope it helps!!
Brainly is a great educational site. Brainly provides students a chance to learn and to be in touch with students all over India and world and increasing each other knowledge.
Brainly provides rank system too. We have some default ranks which goes as follows-
•Rising star
•Helping hand
These ranks you gain when you gain points by answering questions and gatherings brainliest answer.
But what when we will gain genius rank?
Well, nothing will happen. You will remain on genius rank but you should keep on answering questions and gathering brainliest as brainliest decreases after 30 days.
But there is something interesting in all this. We have some special ranks for special users who contributes to brainly a lot and has a very good , kind, co-operative behaviour.
Some special ranks go as follows -
•Brainly star
•Brainly benefactor
•Content quality
•Brainly guru
•Brainly teacher
•Brainly protector
•Leadership ranks.
Brainly star/Brainly benefactors are chosen by chosen leaders of teams respectively. If you will answer questions in good way and will be an active user you can gain these ranks.
Brainly guru/Brainly teacher/helper are chosen by Rishi sir [Administrator] , for gaining these ranks you should be good in any specific subject and should have completed your education.
For gaining sage/content quality, these are almost rare ranks. People who answers questions with great content and whose answers are helping users the most and they are totally respected users of brainly get these ranks. -KVN Murthy and Abhi178 have these ranks. TheViper too has Content quality rank.
For gaining Core/Moderator ranks , you must cross Brainly star And brainly Benefactor rank with completing all tasks you need to do as a brainly benefactor and star. And then you will gain moderator rank and if u will do great as a moderator. With doing enough moderations and helping users with their problems. You will gain core rank.
Brainly protectors are the rank given to user who protect brainly from spammers and all.
And leadership ranks are given to those people in brainly community who are responsible and active enough to handle team and users with their problems.
*Anyone can gain these ranks by doing hard work , no matter on what rank you are. You just need to answer questions nicely and should be am active user+ have a good behaviour to gain these ranks. You can gain these ranks even if you are on virtuoso, expert, ace etc. It's not compulsory to gain genius rank for these ranks. After you gain these ranks, you can try for genius ranks too*
Hope it helps!!
Answered by
Myself Anvi gottlieb
A brainly star
Ready to help you always!
But first of all let's start with the beginning!
So let's check what's brainly!
Then we'll return to the ranks!
Brainly is an educational site which offers a free app too..
It basically is for students by students i.e. when you help
.you get help in return..
It helps u and me to rediscover your inner answerer? Isn't it? So.. the main motto and purpose of brainly.in is to help you ! . people from all over India united here to share their knowledge..
With wide experiences
And we reward you for that too.!
By providing you ranks!
There are a general ranks
# beginner
# aperentice
#rising Star
# helping hand
# virtuoso
# expert
# ace
# genius
(Sorry if I missed any rank) (I think I don't remember all)
But! Hold on!
I have a suggestion for u..
If you're having more doubts regarding brainly even after reading the answer..
Contact these people
@rishilaugh sir
These people will surely leave no stone unturned to help you always!
So ...
Returning to your question..
What will happen after genius rank?
Nothing will happen..
But ..you'll remain on your rank of genius itself..and your BRAINLIEST answer will be maintained upto the last 30 days! so work hard! and play hard!
Your contribution to brainly will surely be considered and you're sure to be awarded with special ranks!
Like brainly star and benefactors or sage... Special helper etc.
Myself Anvi gottlieb
A brainly star
Ready to help you always!
But first of all let's start with the beginning!
So let's check what's brainly!
Then we'll return to the ranks!
Brainly is an educational site which offers a free app too..
It basically is for students by students i.e. when you help
.you get help in return..
It helps u and me to rediscover your inner answerer? Isn't it? So.. the main motto and purpose of brainly.in is to help you ! . people from all over India united here to share their knowledge..
With wide experiences
And we reward you for that too.!
By providing you ranks!
There are a general ranks
# beginner
# aperentice
#rising Star
# helping hand
# virtuoso
# expert
# ace
# genius
(Sorry if I missed any rank) (I think I don't remember all)
But! Hold on!
I have a suggestion for u..
If you're having more doubts regarding brainly even after reading the answer..
Contact these people
@rishilaugh sir
These people will surely leave no stone unturned to help you always!
So ...
Returning to your question..
What will happen after genius rank?
Nothing will happen..
But ..you'll remain on your rank of genius itself..and your BRAINLIEST answer will be maintained upto the last 30 days! so work hard! and play hard!
Your contribution to brainly will surely be considered and you're sure to be awarded with special ranks!
Like brainly star and benefactors or sage... Special helper etc.
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