English, asked by itsmeaswinchacko, 9 months ago

"What am I afraid of?' said Monsieur Madeleine, 'After all, if there is any harm
done to anybody, it is in nowise my fault. It is decided, let the matter alone! The
resolution is formed.'
After the lapse of a few moments, he questioned himself upon this 'resolution
Madeleine declared that his life, in truth, did have an object. But what object? To
conceal his name? To deceive the police? Had he no other object, which was the true
one? To save his soul. To close the door on his past? But he was not closing it!
He was reopening it by committing an infamous act! For he robbed another of his
existence, his life! To become again the convict Jean Valjean-that was to achieve his
He must go to Arras, deliver the wrong Jean Valjean, denounce the right one. And
then all at once he thought of poor, sick Fantine.
stupor: a condition of greatly dulled or
completely suspended sense or sensibility
denounce: to announce formally the
precipice: a very steep side of a high cliff
abyss: a very deep wide space or hole that
seems to have no bottom
nowise: in no way or manner; not at all
เนโร ชาเกาะ​


Answered by chotuengineer9


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