what approach does the Machines follow while playing Rock paper and scissor game against human player?
The game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is very simple. Each player picks one of the three objects (usually by making the appropriate hand shape on a count of three!) and these rules are applied to see who has won that round:
Paper wraps (beats) Rock
Scissors cut (beat) Paper
Rock blunts (beats) Scissors
The challenge of the game is to guess what your opponent will choose and pick the appropriate object to beat them.
People find it quite hard to pick a sequence of perfectly random choices, so any pattern that a player develops could be learned by the opponent and used to win the game. That is what happens in this example. As you play, the computer learns the pattern of objects that you are most likely to pick.
The approach taken by the machines while playing Rock, Paper Scissors is: Machine learning and conditional probabilities.
The Game "rock-paper-scissors" is very simple. Each player chooses one of his three objects (usually by counting three and making the right hand shape) and the following rules apply to determine who won the round.
- Paper Wraps (beat) rock
- Cut (slap) the paper with scissors
- Stone blunt (beat) scissors
The challenge in the game is to guess what your opponent will choose and select the right object to attack. It is very difficult to choose a series of completely random choices so that the opponent can learn the patterns that the player unfolds and use them to win the game. This is what is happening in this example. When you play the game, the computer learns the patterns of objects that the user is most likely to choose.
The computer tracks the conditional probabilities of choosing each of the three objects when choosing the last selected object. The computer always selects more items than you think you are most likely to select. It knows what you actually chose but it's honest and doesn't cheat.