What are 7C's of communication?
=> According to the seven Cs, communication needs to be:
- Clear
- Concise
- Concrete
- Correct
- Coherent
- Complete
- Courteous
=> Note:
There are a few variations of the 7 Cs of Communication:.....
Credible – Does your message improve or highlight your credibility?...... This is especially important when communicating with an audience that doesn’t know much about you.
Creative – Does your message communicate creatively?.......Creative communication helps keep your audience engaged.
I hope it's helpful to you...
Effective communication:
clear : Be clear about what you want to say.
concise : use simple words and say only what is needed.
concrete: use exact words ans phrases.
correct: use correct spellings language and grammar.
coherent: your words should makes sense and should realated to main .
complete : your message should have all the needed information.
hope it's helpful for you