what are advantages and disadvantages of becoming female k-pop idol.
Advantages :The company pays for your living and training expenses, and if you leave (and they're a reputable company) you don't have to pay them back. You become part of a really close community. Even if you don't talk to some of the other trainees, they still feel like family and you all struggle and have fun together.
Disadvantages : Being a kpop idol means you'll be really really popular and if you're good, you'll be rich.
Public criticism/hate.
Possible flop.
Constantly under a spotlight.
Unsteady job.
Heavy dieting.
To add on to the other answer...
The advantages of becoming female k pop idol are
1 The Fans
2 The Money
3 Gifts
4 Proving yourself and your talent
The disadvantages of becoming k pop idol are
1 The Pay
2 Training
3 The drama (in american music at least)
4 achieving the look