Biology, asked by Mahendraji3997, 11 months ago

What are artificial methods of vegetative reproduction in pl

ants ? Give ecamples


Answered by sneha19052003
The three common methods for the artificial propagation of plants are:


•Layering, and.


Vegetative propagation of particular cultivars that have desirable characteristics is very common practice. It is used by farmers and horticulturalists to produce better crops with desirable qualities. The most common methods of artificial vegetative propagation are:[17]

A part of the plant, usually a stem or a leaf, is cut off and planted. Adventitious roots grow from cuttings and a new plant eventually develops. Usually those cuttings are treated with hormones before being planted to induce growth.

A scion, or a desired cutting, is attached to the stem of another plant that remains rooted in the ground. Eventually both tissue systems become grafted or integrated and a plant with the characteristics of the grafted plant develops.

This process includes the bending of plant branches or stems so that they touch the ground and are covered with soil. Adventitious roots develop from the underground part of the plant, which is known as the layer. This method of vegetative reproduction also occurs naturally. Another similar method, air layering, involved the scraping and replanting of tree branches which develop into trees.


RockyAk47: Hello
sneha19052003: hii
RockyAk47: what are you doing
sneha19052003: just sitting to start up my studies
RockyAk47: okkk
sneha19052003: hmm
Answered by stylishtamilachee
hey friend here is your answer..... ⛄⛄

➡️ The vegetative reproduction is also known as vegetative propagation.


➡️ Besides using the natural methods of vegetative propagation, we have developed certain artificial methods of vegetative propagation, like ..

✴️ Cutting.

✴️ Layering.

✴️ Grafting.

✴️ Tissue culture.

➡️ These techniques result in the Rapid production of mature plants .

➡️ Thus , crops are produced faster than they would if the plants that grown from seeds .

➡️ This is especially important in the production of crops such as tomato, sugar cane , tea , coffee and Rubber .

✳️ Cutting :

➡️ A Part of the stem is cut and the cut end is planted in moist soil .

➡️ After sometime, in gives rise to roots, and grows into an independent plant .

➡️ Example : mango , sugarcane and Rose are among the plants propagated by this method .

✳️Layering :

➡️ In this method, a portion of one of the lowest branches of the plant is bent downwards so that it touches the soil .

➡️ A ring of bark is removed from the portion, which is then covered with soil .

➡️ A brick or some other heavy object is used to keep the branch and soil in place .

➡️ Once the branch strike roots, it is cut off from the main plant and grown separately .

➡️ Example : This method is used with plants like lemon rose and Jasmine .

➡️ Another method of layering is to remove a ring of bark from the branch of a plant and then cover the bare portion with soil .

➡️ Straw or a rag is used to wrap the soil so that it stays in place .

➡️ The portion is watered regularly .

➡️ After 2 or 3 months, roots grow out of it .

➡️ The branch is then cut off and planted in moist soil .

➡️ Example : Guava, mango, Litchi, orange and lemon are some plants propagated by this method .

✳️ Grafting :

➡️ This method consists of attaching, or tying up, a scion with a stock .

➡️ A scion is a cutting of a young stem, while a stock is the base of a rooted plant's stem .

➡️ The two parts join up after a few days, and then grow as a single plant .

➡️ The scion , also called the graft , and the stock must be of the same or of related species .

➡️ Example : This method is used commonly with mango and rose .

➡️ Buds can also be inserted and that the bark of the stem of the stock plant following is similar procedure .

➡️ Any bud that grows from the stem of the stock plant is removed to allow only the grafted bud to grow .

➡️ Grafting is very useful if one wants to grow a new variety with certain desirable features, such as the colour of a flower or the taste of a fruit .

➡️ The scion is chosen accordingly and inserted into a stock .

✳️ Tissue Culture:

➡️ Many plant tissues, such as the growing ends of roots , shoots or buds , pieces of a leaf ,or even single cells, have the inherent ability to give rise to a whole new plan when grown on a suitable growth , or culture, medium (plural : media ).

➡️ Plant tissues are cultured on growth media containing various salts ,nutrients, antibiotics and plant hormones in a sterile (germ-free) environment in laboratories.

➡️ This technique is known as tissue culture or micropropagation .

➡️ The Plant tissues used for culture are called explants .

➡️ The explants or washed and sterilized before being used for culture .

➡️ The cells from the explants are allowed to grow and multiply in a growth medium containing equal amount of plant hormones called auxin (which promotes growth of root) and cytokinin (which promotes growth of shoot) .

➡️ This growth medium causes the plant cells to divide and form a mass of undifferentiated cells (self that have not become part of a particular tissue yet) called callus.

➡️ This callus is then transferred to different growth media that promote differential growth of roots and shoots .

➡️ The plantlets are then separated and allowed to grow further .

➡️ The new plants are finally transplanted in Gardens or fields .

➡️ Tissue Culture allows the rapid production of disease -free, high -quality plants in large numbers.

➡️ By this method, disease - free plants can be produced from plants affected by viruses .

➡️ Example : fruit plants, ornamental plants and plants used in Forestry are propagated by this method .

Hope it helps you.....
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