what are binary pairs ?
Roman Jakobson (1896–1982) was one of the major linguists, literary theorists, and semioticians of the twentieth century. He contributed to linguistics such concepts as (distinctive) feature, binary opposition, markedness, redundancy, structuralism, and universals. He also showed the importance for linguistics of child language acquisition, aphasia, poetry, metaphor and metonymy (similarity and contiguity), the act of communication (language usage), the meaning of grammatical categories, typology, and the systematicity of language change. And he pointed out the relationship of linguistics to semiotics, cultural anthropology, literary studies, studies of the brain, and so forth. Jakobson helped to found Russian Formalism and the Prague Linguistic Circle and was a dominant force in American linguistics from the early 1940s. He was a leading proponent of functional-structuralism and pointed out the importance of all the functions of language (including the poetic function) for linguistic analysis. His work has aided the development of functionalist approaches more generally, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and ethnography of communication, discourse and text analysis, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, aphasia studies, structuralist approaches to language change, and geographical linguistics. He also influenced literary analysis, poetics, semiotics, social anthropology, mythology, and folklore.
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