What are Blood Vessels??
Blood vessels: Human blood flows inside tubes called blood vessels.
Blood vessels are classified into three types :
Arteries :
An artery carries oxygenated blood from the heart to organs except for the pulmonary artery.
They do not have valves.
Blood flows rapidly in the artery.
Blood flows with je-rks and under pressure.
Arteries have thick, elastic, and muscular walls.
Vein brings deoxygenated blood from organs to the heart except for the pulmonary vein.
They have valves.
Blood flows slowly in the vein.
Blood flows smoothly with little pressure.
Veins have thinner walls than arteries.
Capillaries :
An artery divides and redivides into smaller fine branches termed as capillaries.
They have valves to avoid the backflow of blood.
Capillaries form networks inside the body organs.
They are very narrow blood vessels having endothelium.
They are responsible for the exchange of materials between blood and tissues.
The blood vessels are the components of the circulatory system that transport blood throughout the human body. These vessels transport blood cells, nutrients, and oxygen to the tissues of the body. They also take waste and carbon dioxide away from the tissues.