Biology, asked by rakshitha572006, 5 months ago

what are bryophyta?give examples​


Answered by Anonymous

What are some examples of bryophytes?

How should I talk to my doctor about psoriatic arthritis?

This classification of Bryophyta come alongside Thallophyta and Pteridophyta under ‘Cryptogams’ as they do not possess well developed reproductive organs. include all the terrestrial plants that are non-vascular (meaning- without vascular system i.e. Xylem and Phloem); instead they have specialized tissues for internal water transport.

They are further split into 3 types: (Brief explanation of each type with appropriate important examples under each type provided)

1. Mosses - They have thin stems around which simple leaves branch out. Their leaves usually have a midrib.

  • Bryum capillare
  • Dicranella varia
  • Physcomitrella patens
  • Bryum argenteum
  • Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus

2. Hornworts - They have irregular lobes or branching bodies, known as thalli, the tissue of which is not organised into organs. Guard cells are located on the underside of the thallus. Cavities that layer under the guard cells are typically enriched with cyanobacteria (photosynthetic blue-green ones)

  • Dendroceros crispus
  • Leiosporoceros dussii
  • Ceratophyllum demersum
  • Notothylas indica
  • Notothylas himalayensis

3. Liverworts - They are made up of Thallus or Leafy stems. Unlike many mosses, liverwort leaves do not have ribs i.e. costas

  • Lunularia cruciata
  • Marchantia polymorpha
  • Riccia fluitans
  • Porella platyphylla
  • Plagiochila asplenioides

Interesting fact: The oldest evidence of Terrestrial plants are Bryophytes (500 million years) and are strongly believed to be the closest remaining link between land and aquatic plants!

Answered by lakshmimandi2248




I am Asmita

from- Kolkata

reding in collage

age 19


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