Biology, asked by vmm426604, 11 months ago

what are carcinogens name two carcinogens​


Answered by vasuadityamishra


A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.

i know only one tobacco smoke

Answered by Anonymous

Any chemical or physical agents by which cancer can be caused are known as Carcinogens.

Based on their mode of action, carcinogens can be divided into the following main categories:-

(i) Agents that can cause alternations in the genetic material that is DNA which may resulting in oncogenic transformation that can lead to cancer like varius types of radiations and chemicals.

(ii) Cancer causing DNA and RNA viruses or tumour viruses which have been shown to be associated with oncogenic transformation.

(iii) Agents that promote the proliferation(rapid increase) of cells, which have already undergone genetic alterations responsible for oncogenic transformation. Agents of this type are known as tumor promoters like growth factors and hormones.

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