what are connective tissue
Tissue that supports, protects, and gives structure to other tissues and organs in the body.
• Connective tissues are present in all part of the body excluding central nervous system.
• These tissues are never exposed to the outer environment.
• In their various forms, connective tissues have a variety of functions.
• Most of the connective tissues contain a lot of blood vessels (means they are highly vascular).
• They have receptors which can perceive pain, pressure, temperature, and other sensations.
• Connective tissue fills spaces between organs and tissues, and provides structural and metabolic
• support for other tissues and organs.
• Connective tissues consist of two chief components: extra-cellular matrix and cells.
• Extra-cellular matrix in connective tissues is the substances located in spaces between cells.
• The cells of connective tissues secrete extra-cellular fibres and account for the many of the functional properties of the tissue in addition to controlling the surrounding watery environment.