English, asked by uy0958992, 7 months ago

what are determiners ? write different types of determiners with examples.j​


Answered by ItzTogetic

hey frnd..

it's your ans-

Determiners are words that come before a noun and serve to modify the noun.

Determiners are used to clarify and emphasize nouns.

Determiners have many types, including articles, demonstratives, quantifiers, and possessives etc..

hope helpful

pls mark brainlist.


Answered by Naimeesya

In English, a determiner is a word that introduces a noun. It always comes before a noun, not after, and it also comes before any other adjectives used to describe the noun.

The type of determiner used depends on the type of noun.

  • Singular Nouns - always needs a determiner
  • Plural Nouns - the determiner is optional
  • Uncountable Nouns - the determiner is also optional

There are about 50 different determiners in the English language they include:

  • Articles - a, an, the
  • Demonstratives - this, that, these, those, which etc.
  • Possessive Determiners - my, your, our, their, his, hers, whose, my friend's, our friends', etc.
  • Quantifiers - few, a few, many, much, each, every, some, any etc.
  • Numbers - one, two, three, twenty, forty
  • Ordinals - first, second, 1st 2nd, 3rd, last, next, etc.

hope it will help you.

please mark it as brainliest.

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